Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recap Day 1 (and 2)

Days 1 and 2 are down... how'd it go?

Well, Friday night, I went to bed considerably earlier... I aimed for 10:00 and almost made it. Saturday morning 5:00 was early... I got up after one snooze and was out the door by 5:30.

I walked about a 1/4 mile to warm up and then jogged 1.5 miles, then walked the last 1/2 mile and the last 1/4 mile home.

I was surprised how far I was actually able to run*

*I use that term loosely... I actually found a video somebody caught of me while running... There was this strange girl running next to me for a bit...

No, actually, I think I was, by definition, running (rapid movement on foot, with long strides and both feet momentarily off the ground).

The rapid movement is the only thing I've got trouble with... but I did have the "both feet momentarily off the ground" thing going on.

Towards the end, it was more what my wife describes as the "old man shuffle" but I did make sure to pick my feet up enough to have it be more along the lines of stationary running in a forward manner...

This morning, I woke up and I was pretty sore, but I did manage to run another 1.5 miles and the .5 mile walk back. I sat down when I got home... not a good idea! It was tough to get up!

My wife has been getting up early too... and because of it, we made it to the 9:00 AM service this morning.

I'm already planning on walking in the morning instead of running... we'll see how I feel in the morning... maybe I'll run a bit and the walk the balance of 2 miles.

Eventually, I think I'd like to work up to 3 miles. I think it will get easier once I do this a bit more... and once I lose some of the spare tire etc...

I don't have any specific goals in terms of weight loss... but I know my starting point... 341.1


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